In the Immigration
Customs and Enforcement (ICE) 2010 report to Congress ICE reports that in
fiscal year 2010 they detained 15,769 asylum seekers. In order to be granted
asylum an applicant must prove that they are eligible by demonstrating that he
suffered past persecution or has a well-founded fear of future persecution on
account of his race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social
group, or political opinion. INA § 101(a)(42)(A).
Additionally an applicant must show that he was either persecuted by the
government or by an individual the government is unwilling or unable to
control. In addition, an applicant for asylum must show that his fear of
persecution is country-wide. See Acosta, 19 I&N Dec. at 235; Matter of Fuentes, 19 I&N Dec. 658, 663 (BIA 1988).
Therefore, ICE detains tens of thousands
of people who have fled their home countries because of mistreatment and came
to the United States for help. They were detained even though they had
committed no crime, including an immigration crime. When they came to the border
asking for asylum they were taken into custody and placed in a detention
facility. Their personal belongings were taken from them, including money and
identification. Often their belongings are never returned. In reports issued by
the University
of Arizona and a group called No More
Deaths, it was reported that up to one third of the detainees never had
their belongings returned to them. According to The
Center for Victims of Torture, “in less than three years – from October
2010 to February 2013 – the United States detained approximately 6,000
survivors of torture as they were seeking asylum protection.” In an LA
Times editorial the author cites an American Civil Liberties
Union-commissioned analysis of 1,000 people detained for at least six months.
The study found that the detainees “spent an average of 404 days — more than 13
months — in custody. Length of time varied: 86 detainees were held for more
than two years; one was held for 1,585 days, or more than four years.”
An article published by the
Policy Institute stated, “asylum is a right of last resort for people who
cannot count on their own governments to protect them, and are forced to flee
their homelands and seek the protection of other governments.” This is a right
that is protected in Article 14 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was signed by the United
Human rights law, including
9 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, prohibits arbitrary
detention, requiring that any detention must be in accord with procedures
established by law. Article
31(2) of the Refugee Convention limits "restrictions" on the
movements of refugees who enter territories illegally to "those which are
necessary." The United States is not only detaining asylum seekers, but it
is detaining them for unchecked amounts of time. We must do better!
Treatment of those seeking asylum is an
issue that should interest and incite all members of the global community, but
especially Americans. Americans who proclaim freedom; protection from tyranny; promoting
the general welfare; and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It goes
against these principles to exclude those who may need protection the most. We
all come from immigrants at some point in our history. No matter what position
you may hold as a prosecutor, defense attorney, or judge, you have a
responsibility to stand up. This is an issue that must be resolved by Congress
and in the individual hearts and acts of each person.
Kathryn Kimball
Blog Editor, Criminal Law Practitioner
Photo by Takver
via Flickr
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