Pursuant to Missouri Revised
Statute section 563.046, a police officer’s use of deadly force is
justified only when: he reasonably
believes that such force is necessary to protect himself or another from death,
serious injury, or forcible felony; or,
when he reasonably believes that deadly force is immediately necessary to achieve
arrest, and also believes that the person to be arrested has committed or
attempted a felony, is attempting to escape using a deadly weapon, or may
otherwise endanger life unless arrested immediately. While the “necessary to effect arrest” clause
seems overly lenient, the Supreme Court limited its effect in Tennessee
v. Garner. There, the Court ruled that the use of deadly force on a fleeing
suspect is only justified if the officer has probable cause to believe the
suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily injury to the
officer or others. Therefore, this statute can effectively be
reduced to one rule: reasonable belief that deadly force is necessary to
protect someone from death or serious bodily injury. However, this defense of justification may not
be as easily applied as some may think.
The reasonableness of the use of deadly force “must be determined from
the point of view of a reasonable officer in the situation, ‘rather than with
the 20/20 vision of hindsight.’" The factors to
consider when analyzing the reasonableness of force used are the severity
of the crime, whether the suspect posed an immediate threat, and whether the
suspect was evading/resisting arrest. Apparently,
the main factor
in determining whether the use of deadly force is reasonable is whether the
officer reasonably thought that the victim had a deadly weapon so as to make
the officer fear for his or a third person’s life.
Dorian Johnson, an eyewitness, says, and videotape
corroborates, that he and Michael Brown took
part in a robbery. Robbery is not
only a felony, but also a forcible felony under Missouri
state law. Darren Wilson alleges that
he “made
the connection” that Brown was involved in the robberies after stopping
Brown for blocking traffic. Even assuming that Wilson made this
connection, he will have to show that he reasonably believed that deadly force
was necessary in order to effect arrest, and that he reasonably thought Brown
to be a threat. Alternatively, Wilson
will have to show that he reasonably was protecting himself from death or
serious injury.
This case can only be decided by a jury, as both sides offer
different stories. Wilson will argue
that Brown fought back, and
even attempted to reach for the officer’s pistol. If true, this would definitely allow for the
defense of justification. However, if
witness testimony that Brown submitted
to the officer is true, then clearly no defense of justification is
available. In this regard, Wilson has a
distinct advantage.
In the end, the jury will have a tough decision to make,
although hopefully more evidence will be obtained to make the decision easier. Would a reasonable officer have thought that
Brown was a serious threat to the officer’s safety? Was shooting Brown six times necessary to
prevent serious harm? In this author’s
opinion, even if shooting Brown once was necessary to prevent harm, an
additional five shots could not have been necessary.
Jonathan Yunes
Associate Publications Editor, Criminal Law Practitioner
Photo by Jamesw007, via Wikimedia Commons.
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