Proponents of the law argue that this law will help save
lives, enhance the quality of life, and keep the mentally ill out of jails.[3] Ron Thomas, Kelly Thomas’ father, told
supervisors that a version of Laura's Law may
have helped his son, who he said had struggled with schizophrenia. The law’s purpose is to help those who may not
be able to help themselves. Opponents argued that this law would violate
the right of the mentally ill to make decisions about their own medical care.
Counties that implement the law are required to develop training and education
programs and to ensure that the delivery of the services to the mentally
disabled community is done in the right manner.[4]
Orange County plans to have universities and other organizations analyze
data that their county staff will be required to collect.
Laura’s Law is not the first of its kind. The Lanterman-Petris-Short Act was passed in
1967 in California, allowing “mental health professionals, officers, and courts
to involuntarily commit individuals who, as a result of a mental disability,
are: (1) a danger to themselves or others; or (2) "unable to provide for
[their] basic personal needs for food, clothing, or shelter"
("gravely disabled").”[5]
Litigation against the mentally ill in California has not
stopped there. After the UC Santa
Barbara Shooting in May of 2014, the California Legislature is considering a
law that will
allow family or friends of someone purchasing a gun to notify law enforcement
officers that this individual could harm himself or others. “The
family of Elliot Rodger, the shooter,
had raised concerns with law enforcement about his mental state, and Santa
Barbara County sheriff’s deputies visited Rodger at his apartment in April but
took no action against him.” This law
could potentially help save lives by stopping those that have tendencies to act
criminally. The problems are similar to
Laura’s Law in that it may violate the right for the mentally ill individuals
to make decisions about their own medical care. There is also a concern that unqualified
individuals could jam the courts with frivolous complaints demanding for
gun violence restraining orders without actual evidence.
Could it be certain individuals or organizations are using
their political clout to create unconstitutional legislation in the aftermath
of recent attacks, or can the proposed legislation actually benefit the public?
Generally, in Criminal Law the mentally ill can have a valid
defense to a criminal act if they are found to be incapable of comprehending
their actions. When the tests set out by the rules are satisfied, the accused
may be adjudged "not guilty by reason of insanity" or "guilty
but insane" and the sentence may be a mandatory period of treatment in a
secure hospital facility. Under California's insanity defense, also known as
the McNaghten rule, one is considered legally insane if he either (1) did not
understand the nature of his criminal act, or (2) did not understand that what
he was doing was morally wrong. Laura’s Law and the legislation being
considered after the Isla Vista Massacre is an attempt to cure/stop a mentally
ill individual before she acts dangerously. The next question is, if an insane
individual under treatment acts dangerously, does she still qualify as insane,
allowing her to be prosecuted under the McNaghten test? Finally, if forcing someone to take
medication causes him to act irresponsibly, should they still be held
Hassan Mukhlis
Staffer, Criminal Law Practitioner
Staffer, Criminal Law Practitioner
Photo by MesserWoland via Wikimedia
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